
Unscheduled Outage – I4F1 – All Services impacted – 17/04/23 – Ongoing

17. April 2023 - 06:04:02 CESTVERÖFFENTLICHTMailversand: 2023-04-17 06:25:04

Inmarsat currently have an Ongoing unplanned Outage on their I‑4 F1 Satellite affecting all L‑Band Services in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Status Unplanned Outage – Ongoing
Network and Service Inmarsat: I‑4 F1 Satellite Asia-Pacific Region

All Services – L‑Band

Start Time 16th April 2023 22:50 UTC
End Time Ongoing
Outage Infor­mation At appro­xi­m­ately 22.50 UTC, Inmarsat experi­enced a full service outage on their Inmarsat I‑4 F1 Satellite. 

Inmarsat have advised that due to the nature of the problem and the complexity of the recovery procedure, Inmarsat expect this to be an extended outage.

Inmarsat engineers are working to have services restored as soon as possible.

We are working with Inmarsat to resolve the outage and will provide further updates when available.

We apologise for any incon­ve­nience this may cause. 

Abbreviations and their meaning

  • Americas I-4 = Satelite responsible for the region of North- and Southamerica
  • APAC = Asia Pacific
  • BGAN = Broadband Global Area Network. Inmarsat service for BGAN devices
  • CDR = Call Detail Record
  • EMEA = Satellite responsible for the region of European Middle East Africa
  • FB or FBB = FleetBroadBand. Inmarsat service for FBB devices
  • GSPS = Global Satellite Phone Service. Inmarsat voice service for IsatPhone
  • IRIS = Remote monitoring and control system
  • SB or SBB = SwiftBroadBand. Inmarsat service for SBB devices
  • TBC = To be confirmed
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated

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