
UNSCHEDULED OUTAGE – Inmarsat I4F1 – All Services Impacted – Update #10

19. April 2023 - 14:04:02 CESTVERÖFFENTLICHTMailversand: 2023-04-19 14:30:06

Inmarsat are currently experi­encing an Ongoing Unplanned Outage on their I‑4 F1 Satellite affecting all L‑Band Services in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Status Unplanned Outage – Ongoing
Network and Service Inmarsat: I‑4 F1 Satellite Asia-Pacific Region

All Services – L‑Band

Start Time 16th April 2023 22:50 UTC
End Time Ongoing
Outage Infor­mation Please be advised that recovery proce­dures to restore services on the Inmarsat I‑4F1 Satellite are ongoing.

In addition to Classic Aero and Inmarsat‑C services being restored, BGAN has now been restored over a suffi­cient portion of the 4F1 coverage area to restore global service coverage. 

Inmarsat have advised that this is being treated as a top priority with key technical resources involved.

A further update is expected at appro­xi­m­ately 18:00 UTC.

We will continue to provide further updates as soon as further infor­mation related to the resolution of the outage is provided.

We apologise for any incon­ve­nience this may cause. 

Abbreviations and their meaning

  • Americas I-4 = Satelite responsible for the region of North- and Southamerica
  • APAC = Asia Pacific
  • BGAN = Broadband Global Area Network. Inmarsat service for BGAN devices
  • CDR = Call Detail Record
  • EMEA = Satellite responsible for the region of European Middle East Africa
  • FB or FBB = FleetBroadBand. Inmarsat service for FBB devices
  • GSPS = Global Satellite Phone Service. Inmarsat voice service for IsatPhone
  • IRIS = Remote monitoring and control system
  • SB or SBB = SwiftBroadBand. Inmarsat service for SBB devices
  • TBC = To be confirmed
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated

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