
Inmarsat Solutions Planned Maintenance – Paumalu vEPG software upgrade – 28th November 2023

22. November 2023 - 02:11:01 CETVERÖFFENTLICHTMailversand: 2023-11-22 02:25:07

We would like to advise you of the forth­coming maintenance on the Paumalu BGAN vGGSN. As part of Inmarsat’s customer service impro­ve­ments their engineers will upgrade the Paumalu vGGSN to extend the vendor maintenance support.

Due to the nature of the software upgrade, extended down time is unavo­idable. To minimise the impact, at 10:00 UTC on 27th November, Inmarsat’s APN DNS will be changed to direct any new sessions to the alternate/backup APN defined on the Burum vGGSN. . 

The upgrade will be conducted on the 28th November where any remaining data sessions on the Paumalu vGGSN will be termi­nated prior to the upgrade. Users reacti­vating immediately after­wards will then use the Burum vGGSN.

After a 24hr stability period, at 10:00 UTC on the 29th November, the APN DNS will be reverted to the pre upgrade confi­gu­ration where new data sessions will again use the APNs on the Paumalu vGGSN (where relevant). 

This activity follows the same procedure under­taken during the successful upgrade of Burum vGGSN in October.

Activity: Paumalu vGGSN software upgrade
Terminals/Regions Affected BGAN/SBB/FBB, SBS 2.0, M2M. All regions that use an APN hosted on Paumalu vGGSN
Start of Maintenance period: 28th November 2023 – 08:00 UTC
End of Maintenance period: 28th November 2023 – 17:00 UTC
Single or Multiple Outage(s): Single outage at the start of the maintenance window. Remaining data sessions on Paumalu vGGSN will be terminated.
Outage Impact All data sessions will be deacti­vated and then when reacti­vated will use the Burum vGGSN
Actions needed by user: Reactivate data session

Abbreviations and their meaning

  • Americas I-4 = Satelite responsible for the region of North- and Southamerica
  • APAC = Asia Pacific
  • BGAN = Broadband Global Area Network. Inmarsat service for BGAN devices
  • CDR = Call Detail Record
  • EMEA = Satellite responsible for the region of European Middle East Africa
  • FB or FBB = FleetBroadBand. Inmarsat service for FBB devices
  • GSPS = Global Satellite Phone Service. Inmarsat voice service for IsatPhone
  • IRIS = Remote monitoring and control system
  • SB or SBB = SwiftBroadBand. Inmarsat service for SBB devices
  • TBC = To be confirmed
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated

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