
PLANNED MAINTENANCE: BGAN MultiVoice and IP Voice Migration

19. August 2022 - 03:08:02 CESTVERÖFFENTLICHTMailversand: 2022-08-19 03:00:04

We would like to make you aware of the forth­coming planned maintenance to the Inmarsat BGAN Network. As part of customer service impro­ve­ments engineers will migrate IP Voice and MultiVoice customers to the Amsterdam Metas­witch. This is an interim solution to facilitate the movement of network equipment in New York. Further infor­mation on outage periods can be found below. This migration will affect appro­xi­m­ately 50% of MultiVoice and IP Voice Customers. 

Reason for notice: MultiVoice – Migration of some MultiVoice customers to an interim Voice Platform
Ocean Region: All Regions
Start of Maintenance period:  24/08/22 08:00 UTC
End of Maintenance period:  24/08/22 11:00 UTC
Service Affected: Fleet Broad­broad (FB) and Swift Broadband (SB) MultiVoice
Single or Multiple Outage(s) & Duration(s): A maximum of two outages each of less than 10 minutes
Outage Impact: During the outage(s) affected MultiVoice customers will be limited to 1 simul­ta­neous call. Following the outage(s), it will not be possible to receive calls until the terminal has re-registered which will take up to a maximum of 60 minutes
Terminal affected: Appro­xi­m­ately 50% of MultiVoice Terminals
Actions needed by user:  Customers requiring full service resto­ration more promptly are advised to reboot their MultiVoice terminal
Reason for notice: BGAN IP Voice – Migration of some IP Voice customers to an interim Voice Platform
Services Affected: BGAN, Fleet Broad­broad (FB) and Swift Broadband (SB) IP Voice
Ocean Region: All Regions
Start of Maintenance period:  24/08/22 08:00 UTC
End of Maintenance period:  24/08/22 11:00 UTC
Single or Multiple Outage(s) & Duration(s A maximum of two outages each of less than 10 minutes 
Outage Impact: During the outage it will not be possible to make and receive calls. Following the outage(s), it will not be possible to receive calls until the terminal has re-registered which will take up to a maximum of 60 minutes.
Terminal affected: Appro­xi­m­ately 50% of IP Voice terminals
Actions needed by user: Customers requiring full service resto­ration more promptly are advised to reboot their IP Voice terminal.

Abbreviations and their meaning

  • Americas I-4 = Satelite responsible for the region of North- and Southamerica
  • APAC = Asia Pacific
  • BGAN = Broadband Global Area Network. Inmarsat service for BGAN devices
  • CDR = Call Detail Record
  • EMEA = Satellite responsible for the region of European Middle East Africa
  • FB or FBB = FleetBroadBand. Inmarsat service for FBB devices
  • GSPS = Global Satellite Phone Service. Inmarsat voice service for IsatPhone
  • IRIS = Remote monitoring and control system
  • SB or SBB = SwiftBroadBand. Inmarsat service for SBB devices
  • TBC = To be confirmed
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated

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