
Inmarsat: Resolved Unscheduled Outage – 6F1 – IOE Region – 24/01/24 – Incident report

24. Januar 2024 - 11:01:26 CETVERÖFFENTLICHTMailversand: 2024-02-05 15:00:26

We would like to advise you that on the 24th of January 2024 at 06:48UTC a Single Event Upset (SEU) affected the Digital Payload of the 6F1 satellite causing an outage of BGAN, Classic Aero, IDP services and degra­dation of GSPS service in the IOE Ocean Region.

An inves­ti­gation was immediately launched by Inmarst with recovery proce­dures initiated at appro­xi­m­ately 09:00UTC and successfully completed at 09:29UTC when full service was restored. We can confirm that satellite payload is operating nominally and no damage occurred as a result of the SEU

Activity: Unsche­duled Outage
Services Affected: BGAN/FB/SB services operating in IOE region. 
Start of Maintenance period: 24/01/2024, 06:48 UTC
End of Maintenance period: 24/01/0224, 09:29 UTC
Single or Multiple Outage(s): Single
Outage Impact Loss of Data and Voice for BGAN/FB/SB services
Actions needed by user: None

Abbreviations and their meaning

  • Americas I-4 = Satelite responsible for the region of North- and Southamerica
  • APAC = Asia Pacific
  • BGAN = Broadband Global Area Network. Inmarsat service for BGAN devices
  • CDR = Call Detail Record
  • EMEA = Satellite responsible for the region of European Middle East Africa
  • FB or FBB = FleetBroadBand. Inmarsat service for FBB devices
  • GSPS = Global Satellite Phone Service. Inmarsat voice service for IsatPhone
  • IRIS = Remote monitoring and control system
  • SB or SBB = SwiftBroadBand. Inmarsat service for SBB devices
  • TBC = To be confirmed
  • UTC = Universal Time Coordinated

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