Geräte-Support - Downloads

Downloads Inmarsat Hughes 9502 BGAN M2M

Download Please scroll to the right → → →File sizeupdated
Upgrader for PC **
This tool will detect and upgrade both V1 & V2 9502 terminals.
8 MB02.10.2024
Upgrader for PC **20 MB29.11.2022
Upgrader for Mac **4 MB06.05.2024
Upgrader for Mac **4 MB01.11.2023
User Guide Revision F2 MB23.04.2024
Quick Setup Guide875 KB11.07.2016
USB driver for Windows 10 **1 MB29.11.2022
Installing BGAN Fixed Mount Kit359 KB11.07.2016
Satellite Location Spreadsheet **17 KB11.07.2016

Update-Service for Inmarsat Hughes 9502 BGAN M2M

For smooth operation, the latest firmware version is required on your device. We will be happy to inform you free of charge and automatically about changes on this page. Please enter your data here:

6 + 3 =
Mit der Angaben Ihrer Daten erklären Sie sich einverstanden Benachrichtigungen per E-Mails zu erhalten. Ihre Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. *) notwendige Angaben.


The software downloads and their documentation are provided without any warranty for function, correctness or accuracy. For any direct or indirect damage, in particular damage to other software, damage to hardware, damage due to loss of use and damage due to malfunction of the software can not be asserted. Only the user is liable for the consequences of using this software. Therefore, no guarantee can be given for faultless operation and use is at your own risk.

**) Privacy notice: The download file is stored on servers. With the download, your IP address will be sent to this provider.


Downloadable software is available for free under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or Version 3 license or under license from the respective manufacturer.

Written offer

This product contains software whose rightholders license it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), version 3 (GPLv3) and/or other open source software licenses. If you want to receive the complete corresponding source code we will provide you and any third party with the source code of the software licensed under an open source software license if you send us a written request by mail or email to the following addresses: m-cramer Satellitenservices, Matthias Cramer, Holzhofallee 7, 64295 Darmstadt/Germany,

detailing the name of the product and the firmware version for which you want the source code and indicating how we can contact you. Please note that we will ask you to pay us for the costs of a data carrier and the postal charges to send the data carrier to you. The amount can be varied according to your location and m-cramer Satellitenservices will notify the exact cost when receiving the request.

This offer is valid for three years from the date of the last publication of the software on our website.