Iridium, Thuraya, Inmarsat – Satellitennetzwerk

Inmarsat — Satellite network

The Inmarsat network has the area code: +87077.

The Inmarsat satellite network is operated with currently 14 geosta­tionary satel­lites in orbit at an altitude of 35,786 km and provides voice, data and emergency services on land, at sea and for air traffic via the L‑band, Ka/Ku-band and S‑band frequencies. The connection from the satellite network to the internet or fixed and mobile networks is made via 31 ground stations worldwide and a central network management in London. Currently, coverage extends between the polar circles. The GX10A and GX10B satel­lites, planned for 2023, will provide coverage of the polar caps for the first time.

All Inmarsat devices have a built-in GPS module. Before the device registers with the Inmarsat satellite, it must first locate its GPS position. With most devices, this also provides tracking function­ality and the position can also be used for emergency messages.

The currently 4 satel­lites F1- F4 of gener­ation I‑4 cover the following services over
L‑band frequencies:

  • Voice
    GSPS (Global Satellite Phone Service) is the telephone service for the satellite phones IsatPhone Pro and IsatPhone 2 on land and at sea.
  • Internet
    BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) is a solution for mobile broadband internet access and telephony on land. BGAN HDR and BGAN LINK are also part of these services.

    FleetOne, Fleet­Broadband (FBB), Inmarsat C (GMDSS, SOLAS compliant) are solutions for mobile broadband internet access and telephony at sea.

    Swift Broad Band is a solution for mobile broadband Internet access and telephony on aircraft.
  • Machine control
    BGAN M2M (Machine to Machine), IsatData Pro, Isat M2M

About the history of Inmarsat

Inmarsat was created in 1979 from the INter­na­tional MARitime SATellite Organi­zation initiative of the Inter­na­tional Maritime Organi­zation (IMO) to improve civil (security) commu­ni­ca­tions at sea, especially to provide coverage in regions that were not covered by short or medium wave.

At first, leased satel­lites were used, then from 1983 only own satel­lites. In 1984, the name changed to Inter­na­tional Mobile Satellite Organi­zation, and in 1999, the organi­zation was priva­tized as Inmarsat plc, headquar­tered in London, and placed under the control of IMSO (Inter­na­tional Mobile Satellite Organi­zation). The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2005. In 2019, the Inmarsat Group was acquired by Connect Bidco Limited, regis­tered in Guernsey.