The above information refers in each case to the center of the country / region.
For Thuraya and Inmarsat we have indicated the elevation angle to the satellite and the azimuth. The flatter the satellite is above the horizon, the more difficult the reception will be depending on topography and buildings. This should clarify our classification. For fixed installations, the elevation angle is not crucial as long as the antenna has a clear view to the satellite.
Iridium has orbiting satellites. Here the proximity to the equator plays the decisive role, because at the equator the satellite density of the Iridium network is lowest. On the sea, however, this is negligible because there is a clear view all around, even to satellites located flat above the horizon.
Info for sailors
The area between Cape Verde and the Canary Islands is covered by Thuraya. Thuraya provides the highest data rate with max. 60/15 kbps (download/upload) as far as the retrieval of weather data is concerned.
Info for hikers
The Teide on Tenerife ensures that the area west of the mountain has no Thuraya and Inmarsat coverage. Hikers in this region have to use an Iridium phone.
Please note: Despite careful editing, we can not guarantee the completeness and timeliness as well as actual availability. Political conditions in particular can change quickly in some cases.