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How Can I Reduce My Real-Time Satellite Data Expenses?

From coordi­nating emergency rescue efforts to receiving and relaying mission-critical intel­li­gence to military forces, satcom plays a vital role in connecting remote opera­tions where tradi­tional infra­structure is damaged or non-existent. However, streaming live video from multiple appli­ca­tions in real-time typically requires substantial bandwidth, which inevitably raises the costs associated with satellite airtime.

Coupled with the increasing need for reliable Beyond Line of Sight (BVLOS) opera­tions and secure video surveil­lance solutions, as dangerous opera­tions transition to a more autonomous approach, the demand for high-quality video streaming with much lower data costs is relentless.

So, the question is, how can organisations reduce real-time satcom data expenses without compromising on visual quality, security and efficiency?…

At this point, we would like to recommend Videosoft Global for adaptive video encoding and secure real-time video trans­mission over wireless networks, including satcom, cellular, mesh and radio. Redefining ‘always-on connec­tivity’, Videosoft enables real time streaming from as little as 1kbps all the way up to full HD — consid­erably reducing data usage, whilst broad­ening opera­tional coverage.

How do they do it?

To seamlessly stream video over low bandwidth, you need a solution that compresses data efficiently, enabling smooth and affordable trans­mission even on costly satellite networks to make it commer­cially viable.

The Videosoft gateway software encodes video using advanced compression techniques designed specif­i­cally for low bandwidth scenarios. Dynam­i­cally adapting this compression to ensure the best possible video quality over low bandwidth with the lowest latency possible.

Providing reliable, real-time video ensures users achieve full opera­tional awareness whilst enabling video trans­mission from any location, including satellite commu­ni­cation networks, when they need it most.

Supporting future-ready remote monitoring capabil­ities for aircrafts, ships, vehicles and IoT devices, amongst their rich network of partners, Videosoft’s advanced video compression technology delivers secure real time streaming, audio and data connec­tivity over the Iridium Certus® service.

Redefining In-flight Satcom Connectivity

As they say, seeing is believing! Working in partnership with Honeywell Aerospace, Iridium and Viasat Aviation, this unique flight test illus­trates the excep­tional video quality and latency that can be achieved supported by Videosoft Global’s adaptive video compression and trans­mission protocols within a military opera­tional framework.

YouTube: The Power of Superior Video Coding With an L‑Band Lease on an Aircraft | Videosoft Global

Real Time Streaming: Drone Video Transmission in Action

Supporting a range of complex airborne missions, from real-time BVLOS streaming to emergency services personnel to remote oil and gas pipeline management, here’s a behind the scenes look at how Videosoft is helping drone opera­tions view real-time footage in a way they’ve never experi­enced before.

YouTube: #RealTime Drone Video Trans­mission Tests Over a 25km Range | Videosoft Global

Next-Gen Secure Video Surveillance & Remote Monitoring Solutions

Enabling uninter­rupted streaming from remote locations at variable bitrates, Videosoft’s FireLight™ Platform facil­i­tates the obser­vation and remote management of cameras, audio, GPS and various IoT sensors without the need for specialist hardware.

Videosoft facil­i­tates a range of mission-critical opera­tions, such as supplying real-time intel­li­gence to ground control stations via AI combat drones or carrying out offshore USV pipeline route surveys to reduce exposure to personnel and the environment. Hardware and network agnostic, Videosoft is well-placed to meet the needs of customers experi­encing real-time video challenges.

Videosoft’s software-first approach is available for individual sale, allowing for integration with various hardware platforms, including Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and third-party devices such as routers, ruggedised devices, data hub systems and connec­tivity links.

10 Innovative Uses of Low Bandwidth Video in Remote Locations

Playing a crucial role in deliv­ering a compre­hensive overview of situa­tions from anywhere in the world, from secure video surveil­lance for military ops to under­ground mining safety and beyond, Videosoft’s key appli­ca­tions include:

  • Emergency Response & Crisis Management
  • Offshore Health & Safety Incident Reporting
  • Beyond Line of Sight Communications
  • Tactical ISR Drone Missions
  • Federal Border Security
  • Autonomous Fleet Tracking
  • Infra­structure Inspections
  • AI PPE Detection
  • Cargo Delivery
  • Indus­trial IoT & Robotics

Navigating the Expenses of Real-Time Satellite Data with Low Bandwidth Video Streaming

Smoothly minimising satcom and data trans­mission expenses, alongside real-time video compression and trans­mission controls, Videosoft offers a reliable suite of remote monitoring tools, including multiple simul­ta­neous streams, high quality local recording and post processing detail in bandwidth-compromised areas.

From our perspective and experience, the Videosoft Global platform is a cost-effective and straight­forward solution for remote, real-time urgent commu­ni­cation in ultra-low bandwidth conditions.

Guest article by

Videosoft Global Ltd
20–22 Wenlock Road
London, N1 7GU
+44 (0) 333 242 0563

read more: Videosoft Global