m-cramer Blog

Price changes for Inmarsat IsatPhone (GSPS) Prepaid

Inmarsat GSPS changes effective from 23nd July 2019:

Voice to Fixed/Cellular/OnNet/VMail: 1.5 units/minute (1.3 as of 22nd July 2019)
Voice to Inmarsat Fleet/Swift: 2.9 units/minute (2.5 as of 22nd July 2019)
Voice to Iridium: 12.7 units/minute (11.0 as of 22nd July 2019)
Voice to Thuraya: 5.8 units/minute (5.0 as of 22nd July 2019)
Voice to Other MSS Carrier: 8.0 units/minute (6.9 as of 22nd July 2019)
SMS – per message: 0.6 units/minute (0.5 as of 22nd July 2019)