Satellite phone up to date and ready for use

Only a functional emergency equipment can help you in case of emergency. Please keep your satellite phone up to date and ready for use.

For us, this includes regular test calls: go out with the phone, switch it on, wait for the network connection, call your own cell phone, for example, and also make the call. In this way, you test the battery, keypad, micro­phone and loudspeaker of the satellite phone in one action step and also get a feel for the connection quality and handling.

Please also make sure that on your satellite phone the firmware is up to date. For all current devices we provide the corre­sponding downloads: Device Support

We are also happy to inform you automat­i­cally about new firmware versions. To do this, enter your e‑mail address for the Update-Service. You will then receive an e‑mail when we publish new files for your satellite phone — and only then, no adver­tising, we promise.