m-cramer Blog

Iridium 9555/9575 firmware incompatible with Beam Docking Stations

There is a malfunction in the latest firmware of the Iridium 9555 and Iridium 9575 Extreme satellite phones as they are used in Beam Docking Stations. 

Please do not upgrade to the latest version (HT17001/HL17001) when using Beam Docking Stations with your phone.

Beam has announced that some Iridium 9555/9575 (Extreme) handsets when upgraded to the latest firmware version (HT17001/HL17001) and docked in compatible Beam docking stations may display the error message “USB Cable DISCONNECTED/USB Cable CONNECTED” preventing normal operation. Other issues such as the handset rebooting or switching off while docked may also occur.

If you have already upgraded your firmware, are using Beam Docking Stations and have received the error code above, please revert your firmware to the previous version.

If you have not upgraded your firmware and are using a Beam Docking Station, upgrading to the latest firmware is NOT recom­mended until a fix for the error is received from the manufacturer.