
(Emergency) Communication for Southern Africa

For Namibia and Botswana travelers we recommend the use of Inmarsat satellite phones. The satellite is very vertical above you so you will have best reception every­where. We are happy to rent you a satellite phone for your round trip in southern Africa. The rental price is 6 Euro/day, calls to all landlines and mobile phones cost only 1,25 Euro/minute (all prices include VAT).

Procedure of renting a satellite phone: How it works


If you own an Iridium satellite phone, you can also use it in. Iridium also works in these latitudes, but the phone calls are a bit “strenuous”. Since you are quite close to the equator, Iridium satellite phones may experience disconnections.


Thuraya satellite phones do not work in southern Africa. Thuraya coverage ends at the level of the northern border of Namibia. In Angola, Zambia, Malawi and countries north of them you can use Thuraya satellite phones.

Here you can check the network coverage for all countries: Network coverage satellite communication

We are here to help!

Contact us: +49 6151 278488–0 or

**) Price/day including VAT, plus shipping costs. Minimum rental period: 1 week.