Blog: Was kostet ein Anruf zum Satellitentelefon

How much does a call to the satellite phone cost?

The prices vary depending on your telephone provider. Here are the prices for the most popular German providers when you call a satellite phone from a landline or mobile network. All infor­mation without guarantee. Please note that provider tariffs may change at any time. Also, different prices may be valid in some special or business tariffs.

Phone providerto Iridium
to Thuraya
to Inmarsat
Telekom mobile network6.29 €6.29 €6.29 €
Telekom landline4.713 €4.713 € 3.142 €
Vodafone mobile network postpaid6.85 €tariff-dependent110.21 €
Vodafone CallYa prepaid5.12 €5.12 €5.12 €
Vodafone landline12.58 €8.55 €5.95 €
Congstar9.99 €9.99 €9.99 €
O2 Telefonica Germany28.18 €4.49 €12.50 €

1) The price for an inter­na­tional connection to zone 3 (Rest of the World) is charged.
2) Service not available for prepaid.

Last update: 04.10.2023. All data without guarantee. Please note that provider rates may change at any time. Also, different prices may be valid in some special or business tariffs.