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Automatic credit top-up (Prepaid)

Your satellite phone is equipped with a prepaid card? You don’t really want to worry about having enough credit at all times? Then our automatic credit top-up is just the thing for you. You can order it in our User Portal in just a few steps. An automatic top-up can only be created one day after the card has been activated!

Here is an example for Iridium:


  • Log in to sim-ticket.de. If you do not have access yet, you can subscribe via register now.
  • Click automatic recharge in menu.
  • Select Iridium as the satellite system.


  • On this page you have to enter your SIMID. You will find your SIMID in your documents or printed directly on the SIM card.


  • You can see the current balance and the validity of the SIM card.


  • Please select what should happen at the end of the SIM card validity.
  • Please select what should happen when the balance falls below the limit you have set.
  • Set the balance limit in minutes.
  • You can give a name to the automatic recharge — helpful if you have several SIM cards.
  • The order confir­mation will always be sent to you by email. You can specify up to two more email addresses for these notifi­ca­tions and also specify that you will receive an SMS on your cell phone.


  • In the last step, you will see an overview of all data for the automatic recharge.


  • Requirement for automatic recharge for private customers is the existence of a direct debit mandate.


  • Case1: Ten days before the SIM card expires, a ticket is automat­i­cally created and the balance is recharged.
  • You will receive a confir­mation by email.


  • Case2: When falling below the balance limit, a ticket is automat­i­cally created and the balance is recharged.
  • You will receive a confir­mation by email.

Our User Portal provides you with important services 24/7: sim-ticket.de

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