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m‑cramer User Portal

Our user portal is available at sim-ticket.de.

This allows you to activate SIM cards and top up credit. You have access to call data records around the clock and can submit support requests.

The platform offers customers with prepaid SIM cards the option of creating automatic top-ups. In addition, we reliably inform you before expiration dates (10 or 3 days in advance) so that credit would not expire, as well as when balance runs low.

Contract customers can also manage their SIM cards and view the assigned PIN and PUK codes. You can also view the data delivery addresses of your Iridium SBD devices. For postpaid SIM cards, so-called alarms can be created, which send warning messages as emails when defined call or data minutes are reached.

Our user portal is available bilingual German/English, the use is free of charge. You are welcome to get a first impression by looking at the screen­shots in the following tutorials:

Our User Portal provides you with important services 24/7: sim-ticket.de

We are here to help!

Contact us: +49 6151 278488–0 or